
Showing posts from January, 2023

Terrorism Is The Biggest Issue We Are Currently Dealing With And Religions Such As Islam Is The Sole Cause Behind Terrorism. Thus Islam Poses A Threat To Our Society

Subsequent Objections- “But 'Muslim Extremism' Is The Major Problem.” Resources- Andalusian Project,,

Religion Causes Violence Therefore We Need To Abolish It All Together For Our Safety & Well-Being.

Subsequent Objection - “Religion And Politics Should Be Separate Because Mixing Religion With Politics Opens Up The Door To The Possibility Of Fanatics With Insane Interpretations Of Religion, Taking Power And Oppressing And Killing Millions Domestically” Resources- Yaqeen Institute,, Abdullah al Andalusi  

Thousands Killed In The Name Of Religion. No One Kills In The Name Of Atheism

Resources-, Imran Hussein (Epistemix), Mohammed Hijab, Yaqeen Institute

The Quran Reads Like It Copy And Pasted From Older Religious Texts. Therefore, The Quran Can't Be From God And Must Be False!

Subsequent Objections- “How convenient that many of the same stories and figures mentioned in the Bible, are thoroughly repeated in the Quran. This is clear plagiarism” “So how would you prove that the texts have not been copied? How would you affirm that the Quran is a 'Judge' over the previous texts?” Resources- Andalusian Project, The Muslim Debate Initiative, Imran Hussein (Epistemix), Mohammed Hijab, Many Prophets One Message

Why wasn't the last Prophet from the 21st century? Aren't we superior in terms of technologyand science? Very convenient that Allah stopped 1400 years ago when we didn't have cell phones or video!

Resources- Andalusian Project, Yaqeen Institute 

Why Did God Decide To Stop Sending Revelation? Isn't It Convenient In This Day And Age Of Modern Technology That Revelation Has Ceased?

Resources- The Muslim Debate Initiative, Ahmed Deedat

Religion is a mental illness, a disease of the mind, a disorder that is detrimental for health and wellbeing

  Resources- Hamza Tzortzis

Why should I allow a religion to restrict my way of life? If you only live once, your life is more meaningful. So live life to the fullest!

Subsequent Objections-   "Survival Of The Species!!"       "Because we should treat others as we want to be treated!"    "But aren't those who wish for Heaven also selfish?" Resources- Andalusian Project, William Lane Craig

If We Just Get Rid Of Belief In God, So Many Problems In The World Would Be Solved! Death To Religion!

  Resources- Andalusian Project

You Are Making Such Claims Because You Were Born In This Religion And You Are Culturally Conditioned To Believe This

Subsequent Objections- ‘There is no reason for me to accept your claim because it is what you are culturally conditioned to believe. If you would have been born in a different society you would be holding different beliefs.’ Resources- Justin Barrett, Daniel Haqiqatjou, Abdullah al Andalusi, Lukas Ruegger

If God Is Omnipotent, Can He Create A Stone Too Heavy For Him To Lift? (The Omnipotence Paradox)

Resources - The Divine Reality by Hamza Tzortzis, Yusuf Ponders (Pondering Soul), Blogging Theology 

Is Something Morally Good Because God Commands It, Or Does God Command It Because It Is Morally Good? (Euthyphro's dilemma)

Subsequent Objections - "You must know what good is to define God as good, therefore you haven't solved the problem" Resources- Sapience Institute, Hamza Tzortzis

How did I get here? What am I doing here? Where am I going?


I Don't Need A Man Made Myth To Give Me Meaning, Purpose And Value. I Make My Own Meaning, Purpose And Value!

Subsequent Objections- "I Don't Believe In Man Made Myths, Fairy Tales, Or Any Host Of Non-evidence Based Ideas! I'm A Rational Person, Unlike You Stupid Believers In God!"      "I Can Derive Moral Values From Experience And Within My Very Being. I Don't Need An Objective Reference For Morality." Resources- Andalusian Project, Genius Of Islam Part 2

You Believe In God Primarily For Emotional And Not Intellectual Reasons. Atheists, In Contrast, Are More Rational And Scientific.

  Subsequent Objections : But there is a lot of suffering and pain in this world and no one can deny that so the disbelief is justified Resources :, Blogging Theology,

All Religions Are True And Equally Valid

Subsequent Objections: All Religions are the Same!!! Religion Is A Matter Of Personal Opinion No one can know any, truth about religion. You shouldn't force your morality on people It's wrong to tell other people what to believe It is arrogant to claim to have the truth You shouldn't try to convert people. Resources:

The Afterlife Is A Myth Religion Invented To Comfort People From The Thought Of Death

Subsequent Objections: I need scientific evidence to believe in the afterlife But why should I or anyone else believe there is a hereafter? The body dies and so should the 'self' with it. Isn't that enough evidence? Science refutes life after death Resources:, Justin Barrett, Abdullah al Andalusi

Your Belief In God Is Due To Ignorance & Your Religion Also Stems Out Of Ignorance.

Resources :  The Muslim Debate Initiative, Blogging Theology, Abdullah al Andalusi, Mohammed Hijab

Your Belief In God Is A Delusion

Subsequent Objections : All that is a product of long periods of time out of infinite possibilities Its clearly possible for it to form on its own if we wait just long enough Resources :   The Muslim Debate Initiative, Andalusian Project